Friday, June 7, 2013


This costume expires soon, I'm going to miss it so much.

This costume expires soon, I'm going to miss it so much.

5 items left @ Posting again on Tuesday. (ะ`ᴥ´ะ)

5 items left @ Posting again on Tuesday. (ะ`ᴥ´ะ)


I smile and all of a sudden I'm all teeth and no eyes.  (...

I smile and all of a sudden I'm all teeth and no eyes.  ( ◞•̀д•́)◞




Tabitha Milne. (人˘▽˘)♡

Tabitha Milne. (人˘▽˘)♡


Self Portraiture 2010

Self Portraiture 2010






"We've got a giggler," she said as they put me...

"We've got a giggler," she said as they put me under.

Apparently my first questions upon waking up were:
- Do you have to be Christian to work here? (Holy Spirit Northside)
- Has anyone ever died in this room?

I don't remember any of that, but the answer to both is no.

Oh, and they didn't let me keep my wisdom teeth because they had to break them into pieces in order to remove them. :(



Many more people than anticipated have been asking me about that poem from my little book of...

Many more people than anticipated have been asking me about that poem from my little book of potential suicide notes. I made a post about it before, but deleted it, expecting the curiosity to have subsided. Apparently it has not (which makes me smile, so thank you), and I figure the easiest way to address such questions is to make this post providing answers to the most frequently asked ones (rather than answering everyone individually with the same information). I will delete this too, eventually.

★ I wrote it.
★ Samantha’s Little Book of Potential Suicide Notes is not a published book. It’s just a journal I keep.
★ I won’t be posting any more poems from that book. When it is full, I will have it printed as a nice, shiny hard copy with an illustrated cover and a foreword; and I will attempt to sell it via my online store. So in order to tempt you into buying it, like the charlatan/rogue/scoundrel/asshole I am, I won’t be revealing any more.
★ I’ll post about it when it’s ready for sale. Too many people have asked me to let them know individually - I won’t remember all of you sorry, but I will post about it here.

Love and luck, take care.ヽ(´◞౪◟`)/

Samantha's Little Book of Potential Suicide NotesYou can...

Samantha's Little Book of Potential Suicide Notes
You can never be too prepared.

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